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Network Associates recently announced the closure of PGP Security business unit and the integration of some of its product into other business units. PGP encryption is retained and continues to be the encryption engine within McAfee E-Business Server product line. PGP's Desktop Firewall and VPN client products are continuing as McAfee products. The bundle called PGP Corporate Desktop will be put into maintenance mode. PGPmail, PGPdisk and file, PGPwireless, and PGP Keyserver are also being put into maintenance mode.

The following PGP Security products continue to be developed and sold by McAfee Security:
PGP E-Business Server is now McAfee E-Business Server
PGP E-Business Server Point-2-Point is now McAfee E-Business Server Partner Edition
PGP E-Business Server for OS/390 is now McAfee E-Business Server for OS/390
PGPfire ASaP is now McAfee Desktop Firewall ASaP
PGPfire is now McAfee Desktop Firewall

PGP encryption is retained and continues to be the encryption engine within E-Business Server.

Technical Support Information:
PGP KnowledgeCenter
Access product updates, downloads, patches, FAQ's, version history and technical support contact information. PrimeSupport customers have access to search KnowledgeBase, e-mail support, message boards and much more.

A message from McAfee Security President Art Matin regarding the transition of PGP products to McAfee Security.
A message to PGP Customers regarding the transition of Gauntlet / e-ppliance products to Secure Computing.
A message to distributors regarding the transition of Gauntlet / e-ppliance products to Secure Computing.