These files are not mirrored on this site anymore. Please download them from the original ftp servers linked below.
README.idea	   	                 1 KB        13.09.2001 10:13
README.rsa		                 1 KB        09.06.2001 16:43
idea.c (at least 1.06/1.07)	        13 KB        28.09.2001 00:32
idea.c-1999 (at least 1.06/1.07)        16 KB        12.05.2000 00:00
idea.c.gz-2002 (at least 1.22)        5216 B         16.06.2002 00:32  
idea.c.gz.sig                           65 B         16.06.2002 00:32
gnupg146_idea.c (at least with 1.46)  5216 B         24.04.2004
gnupg146_idea.c.gz.sig                  65 B         24.04.2004
rsa.c			             14834 KB        07.09.2001 14:12
rsaref.c	                     20657 KB        26.06.2001 12:48
(the dates given are original ones from gnupg's sites and for the old idea module; please note there are no valid signature files for any of the modules available).
The latest idea modules are hosted on Please also see this document for more information or have a look at GnuPG's faqs as for idea and check the signatures with GnuPG's developers PGP keys available on the key servers.